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Take Your Omega-3's

Our ancestors ate a very different diet than we do today. For the most part, fish when abundant was eaten regularly which nourished and sustained their bodies. Today, most of us consume very little fish except when it's been battered and fried and that's not a great way to get the many benefits of eating fish.


The Mighty Omega-3's - A Super Fat.

Omega-3 is a fatty acid that our body utilizes in many ways. It's vital for cell membranes and is abundant in the retina and brain.

Omega-3 helps our body create prostaglandins, fats that are like hormones that assist in tissue repair from illness or injury which helps to lower inflammation in our body.

Supplement for these benefits:

  • Improved heart health

  • Stronger bones by increasing calcium in the bones

  • Better joint health by reducing stiffness and swelling from rheumatoid arthritis

  • Prevents formation of dangerous blood clots

  • Lower risk of dementia, depression/anxiety

  • Eye health - reduction in risk of macular degeneration

  • Metabolic syndrome- reduced heart-disease risk factors, inflammation and improve insulin resistance

Here's the best reason why omega-3 supplements are a wise choice for many of us.

Omega-3 fatty acid is an "essential nutrient", which means the only way to get enough is through our diet.

Can I get enough through food?

Here's a list of foods that contain omega-3 fatty acids, so you can decide if adding a supplement is necessary.

  1. Mackerel [4,580 per serving]. Mackerel are a powerhouse of nutrients; a 3.5 oz serving contains 500% of daily value for B12 and 130% for selenium.

  2. Salmon [2,150 per serving]. Salmon also contains high protein, large amounts of vitamin D, selenium, and B vitamins.

  3. Cod Liver Oil [2,438 per serving]. This is actually more of a supplement as it's extracted from the livers of cod fish. Along with abundant omega-3 fatty acids, it's full of vitamins D & A in only a tablespoon.

  4. Herring [2,150 per serving]. A 3.5 oz can contains 100% of daily needs for selenium and a whopping 779% of daily value for B12.

  5. Oysters [329 per serving]. This shellfish is also one of the best food sources for zinc. Just 6 oysters pack 289% daily value for zinc, 69% for copper, and 567% for vitamin B12.

  6. Sardines [1,463 per serving] Sardines are highly nutritious and can be enjoyed as an appetizer, snack or over a salad. They also provide more than 370% of daily value for vitamin B12, 96% for selenium and even 24% daily value of vitamin D.

  7. Anchovies [411 per serving]. Anchovies are those tiny oily fish used in Caesar salad dressing. Because of their strong taste, anchovies are used more as a flavoring for Worcestershire or other sauces.

  8. Flaxseed [2,350 per serving]. These small seeds are often ground, milled or pressed into oil. Rarely eaten alone, flaxseeds are a great addition to a smoothie, sprinkled on yogurt, cottage cheese or even a salad. They contain fiber and magnesium too.

  9. Chia Seeds [5,5050 per serving]. These tiny seed are rich in maganese, selenium and magnesium. They also contain 5 g of protein and 8 esssential amino acids.

Other Foods to Eat.

  • Pastured-raised or omega-3 enriched eggs

  • Grass-fed meat and dairy

  • Hemp seeds

The Bottom Line.

  1. Ensure you are getting an optimal level by aiming for 4 grams [4,000 mg] of omega-3 fats each day by eating at least two servings of wild or sustainably raised cold-water fish every week.

  2. Choose animal-based sources for most of your omega-3 fats; salmon, sardines, mackerel, rainbow trout, and organic pasture-raised eggs.

  3. Best plant-based sources for omega-3; chia seeds, basil seeds, flaxseeds, hemp seeds, and walnuts. It's important to remember, however that plant-based omega-3 contain hard-to-process ALA [alpha-linolenic acid], so focus on fish, meat and eggs when you can.

  4. Choose a high-quality source of an omega-3 supplement; Nordic Naturals, Carlsons, Pure Encapsulations or Big Bold Health are good options.

Omega-3 Benefits Every Cell in Your Body.

I always believe that it's a food-first approach for our best health, but the overwhelming benefits that we can receive through optimal levels of omega-3 fatty acids, convince me to encourage you to include a supplement along with eating these foods.

I've included one of my favorite recipes on the blog that I hope you'll try this week.

An Easy & Delicious Meal.

Thanks for reading,


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